Sugar consumption severely affects not just our oral health but also our general health. Sugar consumption over time promotes the development of plaque, cavities, and tooth erosion.
Bacteria may break down sugar, and the resulting acid eats away the enamel on your teeth, causing cavities.
Here are a few measures you can take to prevent sugar cravings
Our bodies may confuse hunger and thirst, making us feel hungry when we are actually thirsty.
When experiencing cravings, think about drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes to determine whether it actually thirsts.
If you can’t brush right away after eating, drinking water will increase saliva production and stop sugar from sticking to your teeth.
Overcoming your sugar cravings requires dealing with your temptations.
When you go grocery shopping, keep in mind healthy meals and snacks and try to keep sugar out of your cart.
Many items, including sweetened yogurts and barbecue sauce, include added sugar.
Gum chewing is an excellent way to keep your mouth busy, and the saliva it produces is good for your teeth.
You can prevent sugar cravings and be distracted if you choose sugar-free gum.
Even though processed meals don’t seem to be sweet, sugar can still be found in the ingredients list. For instance, sugar comes from secret sources in sauces. So read the labels carefully and make informed food choices.